Are You Ready for Fast & Reliable Internet?

Insert a One-Line Statement that Creatively Represents the Service You Provide or The Value of Your Organization.

(Example Text: Lightning-Fast Internet Speeds & Exceptional Customer Service.) 

Get Creative with your content in this text box.

This page may be your first impression on a potential customer. Think about your audience and their demographics. Use words, imagery, or a video to impress, inform, create urgency, and get visitors excited about searching their address above!

Ideas for Custom Content in This Textbox
Explain your answer to some of the following questions:

  • Who are you? What's your mission?
  • What is your organization doing to improve your community?
  • Why should people search for their address?
  • What do people forgo by not searching for their address above?

Make a One-Line Statement The Connects with Your Customers
(Example Text: A Fiber Network Starts with You. The Future is Bright. Experience the Difference.)

Ideas for Custom Content in This Textbox

Use this text box to brand your organization and start building rapport with your website visitors.

Create content that communicates how you're supporting the needs of your community. Create an emotional connection with your audience. Here are a few ideas:

  • Explain why you are taking on this project

  • Tell your organization's story. express your values to create an emotional connection between you and your audience.

  • List the benefits you're creating for your community.

  • Let your community know how they can help.